Felix Muzny*


Clinical Instructor, Director of Teaching Assistants, Graduate Student

Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University

* "Muse-knee"



Teaching Assistants

Spring 2025 I am teaching CS 4120 in the Spring. Expect TA applications to open in early November. All TA applications must be received via the Khoury Admin Portal. I do not respond to resumes submitted via email.

All questions related to TA logisitcs (time-sheets, etc.) should be answered via the TA Canvas course. If you have questions about synchronous TA training, please read the instructions on the TA Canvas course, then reach out to me if needed.

I always welcome emails from students about the TA program/TAing in general. I also recommend that you reach out to your peers and get some on-the-ground perspective!


In general, if you are interested in working on a research project with me, be sure to include thoughts about the kinds of projects you'd like to work on, how it might match up to work that I do currently, and why you are reaching out to me specifically. My current research projects focus on broadening participation in computing, TA development, and the intersection of CS education and NLP. I tend to not respond to "boiler plate" research or TA inquiries.


If you are a current or incoming Northeastern student interested in taking a course with me and there is no space available, reach out to your academic advisor (I have no power over course sizes or waitlists)!

If you are thinking of requesting a recommendation letter from me, please read the "Students" section below.

About Me

I am a clinical instructor, Director of Teaching Assistants, and graduate student at Northeastern University in Boston. I facilitate our faculty Broading Participation in Computing reading group along with Laney Strange. Previously, I was an instructor in the Computer Science department at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

I am involved in the activities of the local Out in Tech chapter, and always happy to respond to student and colleague inquiries regarding the intersections of CS, AI, ethics, and queer/trans issues.

I do research in computing education, digital humanities, and in the intersections of sociology, ethics, and computing. I am currently working with the Center for Inclusive Computing, supervised by Carla Brodley. I am also affiliated faculty with the NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks.

In the past, I worked with the Laboratory for Playful Computation at CU Boulder. When I was a graduate student at Stanford, I was a part of the Natural Language Processing group and the Literary Lab with Dan Jurafsky and Mark Algee-Hewitt.

Before that, I studied English Literature and Computer Science at the University of Washington, Seattle and worked on automatic idiom identification with Luke Zettlemoyer.


If you are looking for a syllabus, please consult the table below before emailing me.

If you've taken a class with me and you'd like to request a recommendation, please send me an email including all of the following information:

  • the program(s) you are applying to
  • the due date(s) of the application(s)
  • any other information that you think is relevant


Course Syllabus
DS 2000, Programming with Data Fall 2024
Fall 2022
DS 2001, Programming Practicum, Data Science Spring 2024
Spring 2021
Fall 2020
DS 2001, Programming Practicum, Social Science Fall 2020
DS 2500, Intermediate Programming with Data Spring 2022
CS 2810, Mathematics of Data Models Spring 2022
Spring 2022, calendar
CS 4120, Natural Language Processing Summer 1 2024
Fall 2023
Spring 2023
Fall 2021
Spring 2021
Fall 2020
CS 6120, Graduate Natural Language Processing Fall 2023
Fall 2021
CSCI 1200, Introduction to Computational Thinking Fall 2019
Spring 2019
Fall 2018
Spring 2018
Fall 2017
CSCI 3010, Programming Project Workshop Spring 2020
Fall 2019
Spring 2019
Fall 2018
Spring 2018
CSCI 3308, Software Development and Tools Fall 2017
CSCI 3832, Natural Language Processing Spring 2020
CSCI 4830-800, Special Topics in Computer Science: TA Training and Pedagogy Spring 2019
Fall 2018
Spring 2018

Research & Teaching Projects

TA training curriculum

In progress Introduction to Computational Thinking in Python (jupyter notebook based notes on python for a CS0/CS1 course)

Dialogism (data, for information on using the tool used in the research, contact me directly)

QuoteLi3 (includes data, annotation tool, and attribution code)


To Appear: Felix Muzny, Abdulaziz Suria, Carla Brodley. 2025. Student Application Trends for Teaching Assistant Positions. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Teaching Assistants Data Broadening Participation in Computing

Felix Muzny, Megan Giordano, Emma Sommers, Carla Brodley. 2024. Collecting, Analyzing, and Acting on Intersectional, Longitudinal Data and Pass/Fail/Withdraw Rates in Computing Courses. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Pedagogy Data Broadening Participation in Computing

White Paper: Carla E. Brodley, Felix Muzny. 2023. On the BPC Importance of Centralizing TA Training, Recruiting, and Evaluation. Center for Inclusive Computing.
Teaching Assistants

Matthew Kopec, Meica Magnani, Vance Ricks, Roben Torosyan, John Basl, Nicholas Miklaucic, Felix Muzny, Ronald Sandler, Christo Wilson, Adam Wisniewski-Jensen, Cora Lundgren, Kevin Mills, Mark Wells. 2023. The Effectiveness of Embedded Values Analysis Modules in Computer Science Education: An Empirical Study. Big Data & Society. bib
Pedagogy Ethics

Lightning Talk: Strange, Laney, and Felix Muzny. 2023. Ungrading with Empathy: An Experiment in Ungrading for Intermediate Data Science. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Toronto, Canada. bib

Felix Muzny, Michael D. Shah. 2023. Teaching Assistant Training: An Adjustable Curriculum for Computing Disciplines. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Toronto, Canada. bib
Teaching Assistants Pedagogy

Casey Fiesler, Mikhaila Friske, Natalie Garrett, Felix Muzny, Jessie J. Smith, Jason Zietz. 2021. Integrating Ethics into Introductory Programming Classes. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Toronto, Canada. bib
Pedagogy Ethics

All publications prior to 2018 appear under my former legal name in their published format. They represent work that I have done. When citing, please use my current name (Felix Muzny) and include a Digital Object Identifier and/or URL link so that citations can be properly grouped. All provided bibtex files have been updated to include DOI and/or url links.

Felix Muzny, Mark Algee-Hewitt and Dan Jurafsky. 2017. Dialogism in the novel: A computational model of the dialogic nature of narration and quotations. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. Data bib
Digital Humanities NLP

Felix Muzny, Michael Fang, Angel X. Chang and Dan Jurafsky. 2017. A Two-stage Sieve Approach to Quote Attribution. In Proceedings of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), Valencia, Spain. Data Tools bib
Digital Humanities NLP

Felix Muzny, Mark Algee-Hewitt, and Dan Jurafsky. 2016. The Dialogic Turn and the Performance of Gender: the English Canon 1782-2011. In Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts. Jagiellonian University & Pedagogical University, Kraków, pp. 296-299. bib
Digital Humanities NLP

Felix Muzny and Luke Zettlemoyer. 2013. Automatic Idiom Identification in Wiktionary. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Seattle, USA. Data Code bib

Kate Starbird, Felix Muzny, and Leysia Palen. 2012. Learning from the Crowd: Collaborative Filtering Techniques for Identifying On-the-Ground Twitterers during Mass Disruptions. Accepted to the 2012 Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Vancouver, Canada. bib
Crisis Informatics

Talks, Presentations, and Workshops

(an abbreviated list)

Panel Discussion: Ethical AI for the LGBTQ+ Community, panelist, January 2023.

Women Writer's Project Advanced Institutes, discusant, 2021 - 2022.

From Gender to Geography: Avoiding Assumptions by Centering Intentional Language Across Disciplines, with Dr. Krishna Pattisapu, Spring Diversity and Inclusion Summit, CU Boulder, 2020.

More Information

Looking for more information? Look no further, simply send me an email!